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2010 Royal Rumble Review

So the 2011 Royal Rumble is past us. What was thought to be a memorable night truly fell flat on it's face.

Both men's Title matches were weekly show matches and both focuses more on the outside action than on the in-ring competitors.

The Divas Fatal 4 way was pretty solid.

The Rumble Match itself SUCKED big time! We had the quick returns of Kevin Nash and Booker T which was good, only they were eliminated quickly. The great thing is getting the win for Alberto Del Rio. This guy is money and has had an incredible rookie year.

I remember seeing Del Rio wrestle prior to a Raw taping in Austin, TX last May. 8 months later the guy is on is way to main-eventing WrestleMania. I'm a huge fan of the guy and it doesn't hurt that a fellow Mexican (if you didn't get that, I'm Mexican) wins on of the most important matches on the WWE calendar.

I'm not going to talk anything else about the show because I think it stunk!

Congrats Alberto Rodriguez, you have busted you ass for so many years in Mexico; Dos Caras has evolved into on of the major Superstars of the Present and for decades to come. A story like this one show that hard work does pay off!!! Alberto Del Rio has come a long way and has a longer way to go to prove HE IS THE MAN!

MrKhakbaz out!

2010 Royal Rumble Results

>The time is upon us, we are officially on the Road to Wrestlemania now that the 2011 Royal Rumble has kicked off from Boston, MA where over 15,000 members of the WWE Universe packed the Garden. After the usual video package and awesome pyro display we kick off the show.

As predicted, Edge vs Dolph Ziggler kicked off the show. Bell went of at 7:08 after Tony Chimel introduced the competitors; Edge started of dominating the match and after almost 5 minutes of kicking Ziggler outside he turned the tables and imposed his will. 10 minutes into the match Edge got the crowd behind him and started a comeback. ---WOW the crowd is HOT, hope they keep it up for the whole evening---
King, Cole and Striker keep playing on the No-Spear rule, which still has done nothing for me.They keep saying asking if he has some other manuever, the seem to forget he used to use the EdgeCution (Impaler DTT). Pretty nice cross-body into a rollover for a close pin by Ziggler. A small "Let's go Ziggler" chant breaks out 15 minutes into the match. Vickie slaps Edge a couple of times... that usually is a DQ but WWE fails to use the same rulebook every match. Out of nowhere Kelly attacks Vickie ??? yeah Im lost to...
After a brutally bad ref bump spot Edge hits the spear followed by The Unprettier for the win after 22 minutes. I had predicted 20 to 25 minutes for these two. Got my wish, but instead of letting the two guys in the ring do their thing, the matched focused more on Vickie which is quite a shame.

Next up we get Randy Orton challenging The Miz for the WWE Title. Orton is out first to a pretty good pop, he is followed by The Miz who is received with pretty good heat. Seriously I don't get WWE's point to push Michael Cole's fetish with the Miz, I hope it goes somewhere otherwise I've been getting pissed off by him a lot for nothing.
So the bell sounds at 7:43. Orton starts out dominating until Riley helps out the Miz ---Cole please shut the F*CK UP, he just gets XPac, change the channel heat--- pretty standard match with the usual stupid Striker quote "Miz working on Orton's midsection setting him up for the SKULL Crushing finale" yeah it makes no sense.
At 17 minutes a RKO is blocked into a Skull Crushing Finales that gets blocked into an Olympic Slam. Nexus makes their way to the ring only to get thrown down by a flying Riley, on the other side CM Punk hits the ring and get Orton up and delivers a GTS. Miz covers and gets the W to retain after 20 minutes. Not a bad match, but again the focus is more on the action of other people instead of the participants of the match. I'm with Dave Lagana #IWantWrestling.

So we can now take Punk out of the possible winners as he will be fighting Orton at Mania.

Up next we have the WWE Divas Title match with Lay-Cool take on Natalya in a 2-on-1 handicap match. Wait we get an Email from the RAW GM changing the match to a Fatal 4 Way adding Eve Torres to the mix. Marked out for the double Sharpshooter by Nattie on Layla and Eve. Pretty solid action by the 4 ladies (enjoy that the match focuses on the in-ring competitors unlike the other 2 matches). Nice Michinoku driver by Nattie and I find it sad that they make fun of Stiker for calling a move by it's name. After a double pin by Eve and Michelle with the ref focusing on Ms. Torres she gets the win and is crowned the New Divas Champion.

Unless they have a throw-in match, the Rumble is next!!!

The "By The Numbers" video package is pretty awesome, as always the WWE does a great job editing video montages... they are the best bar none.

The number 1 entrant is: CM Punk!
The number 2 entrant is: ---the whole Corre come out and surround the ring... a huge brawl breaks out! And we get an email from the GM.--- Daniel Bryan!!!
Dueling CM Punk and Daniel Bryan chants, as we get our first countdown.
3rd entrant: Justin Gabriel who goes after Punk, but is eliminated by Bryan.
4th entrant is: Zack Ryder. Only a minute to be eliminated by Bryan.
The 5th man in is: William Regal. Regal suplexing the crap out of Punk and Danielson. Uppercut fight between King and Daniel.
6th in is: Ted DiBiase. We now have for men in the ring for the first time tonight.
#7 is John Morrison. He pulls out an awesome C4 on Bryan. Regal is eliminated by Dibiase. Morrison pulled of some crazy shit, he was thrown out but grabbed on to the barricade and then jumped back to the ring steps (AMAZING!!!, and anything I say will not do it justice)
#8 is Yoshi Tatsu. 5 guys in the ring.
The 9th is Husky Harris. He sure comes to help out Punk
The 10th entrant is Chavo Guerrero! We are 25% into the entrants. Chavito now wearing boxer trunks. He pulls out the 3 amigos only to be stopped by Punk. Nice tribute to Eddie.
#11 is Mark Henry. Henry eliminates Chavito. Tatsu is thrown out by Henry.
12th man in is: JTG.
#13 is Michael McGuillicuty. He eliminates JTG. DiBiase is elminated by Mike and Husky
The 14th entrant is Chris Masters. 
The number 15 entrant is: David Otunga. So we have all Nexus helping Punk. Nexus eliminated Bryan, Masters and Morrison. We got the 4 Nexus members against Mark Henry, who is now eliminated.
#16 is Tyler Recks. Who gets quickly eliminated by Nexus. They are looking good.
The number 17 entrant is: Vladimir Kozlov. He lasts 45 seconds and is kicked out.
Up next at 18  we have R-Truth. I hope he gets thrown out in 5 seconds. K-Kwik is out!
#19 is none other than The Great Khali. Husky Harris is out!
#20 is Mason Ryan! We are halfway through the entrants. Ryan kicks out Khali!!! Again we have Punk and 3 members of Nexus alone in the ring.
The 21st entry is: CAN YOU DIG IT SUCKA?!!?!? Booker T. Striker goes nuts and, as he says, is marking out!!! Great showing by T but Ryan throws him out!
At #22 we have John Cena! Business is about to pick up! He throws every Nexus member over. We now have Cena vs Punk!!! Crowd is HOT...
For 23 Hornswoggle is out. Tell me I did not just see that! Stiff kick by Punk to Horny. Cena and Punk battle it out until Cena AA's Punk out of the ring.
#24 is Tyson Kidd. He'll last 2 seconds. Horny AA's Kidd!!! WTF!?!? And he gets kicked out by Cena
The next man in is #25 Heath Slater. Tadpole splash after a double 5 knuckle shuffle. Slater is out!
#26 is Kofi Kingston... Staredown and they see the WM sign before battling it out. As they are going at it
#27 Jack Swagger is out.
The #28th entrant is Sheamus! Bicycicle Kick to Horny to eliminate him.
Rey Mysterio is in at #29. He eliminates the All American American.
At 75% of the entrants we get #30 Wade Barrett. 
#31 is Mr. Perfection Dolph Ziggler. This has been slooooow...zzzz....
#32 is Big Daddy Cool Diesel!
#33 is Drew McEntyre
#34 is Alex Riley. Barrett eliminates Nash! 
The next entrant at #35 is The Big Show. Big Show eliminates Ziggler.
#36 is Ezekiel Jackson. Drew is gone. Big Zeke eliminates the Big Show. 6 superstars in the ring: Cena, Mysterio, Barrett, Zeke, Kofi and Sheamus
37 is Santino. He is kicked out, but goes under the bottom rope so he has not been eliminated.
Entry #38 is Alberto del Rio. Riley has been eliminated during Del Rio's entrance. Did Miz call him Roberto del Rio.
Entrant #39 is Randy Orton. RKO for Del Rio and everyone. Kofi out, Sheamus out. Cena and Orton come face to face
The final entrant with #40 is Kane. Zeke is eliminated! Rey eliminates Kane! Barrett eliminates Mysterio.
We are down to 4: Cena, Del Rio, Orton, Barrett. Attitude Adjustment from Cena to Del Rio. Riley distracts Cena so Miz eliminates him!!! Orton eliminates Barrett and DEL RIO ELIMINATES ORTON!!!

Alberto Del Rio wins!!!

Nothing like Del Rio saying A HUEVO PUTOS!!!


2010 Royal Rumble

The 2010 WWE Royal Rumble is upon us. Only 33 more hours left for what is, in my opinion the most exciting PPV of the year. The Rumble has provided some great memories, and the fact that so many guys are involved in the match makes it harder to pick a winner.

I've never been to a Rumble show but have seen the better part of the live, I gotta pick the 2001 event as my favorite not so much for the matches although it was a solid show, but more for the fact that I had Wrestlemania X-7 tickets so the Rumble had so many implications on the storyline development for that awesome April night in Houston.

Boston is in for a wild ride tomorrow night. We've got only 4 matches scheduled, and I do believe they'll get a 5th on the card, but that seems enough for a 3 hour show as now there will be 40 men in the Rumble Match (more on that later)

1st off we have the WWE Divas Championship match with Natalya defending against Lay-Cool in a 2 on 1 handicap match. Nattie has been impressive for the last 5-6 months; I know she's an awesome wrestler but she has been really connecting with the fans and that match with Melina last Monday was pretty darn good. On the other hand we have Lay-Cool who has been a good act for the past year (BTW any time Layla shows up on my screen is a good thing) and have put on good matches, besides their out-of-the-ring antics are pretty fun to watch and easy to hate. I really hope the keep the title on Nattie but the way the switch them around this days I expect Lay-Cool to pick up the win, and then have a blowup between them.

Up next we have Dolph Ziggler challenging Edge for the World Title. Ziggler has been as good a wrestler can be in the WWE in the last 4 months, and having Vickie helping out getting heat is great; i fun this guy solid and fun to watch in the ring, easy to hate... give him some time and he may very well be what his theme song says. His opponent is none other than the Rated-R Superstar, Edge, who is coming of a brutally bad feud with Kane which ended in a World Title Win; we all know Edge is solid in the ring and will make Ziggler look great. I hope they give this guys a good 20-23 minutes to tell a nice story in the ring with Edge picking up the win in the end -for the record I could care less of the no-spear rule for the match- Ziggler does have World Champion written all around him but I don't think they want to start the Road to Wrestlemania with him as champ, not in 2011 at least.

The final singles match will be The Miz defending his WWE Title against Orton. A quick FYI, this feud has done absolutely nothing for me and did not catch my interest. I love the Miz as champion, they have showed a darker, more violent side that gives him credibility. Not a fan of Orton as champ and think he is more interesting when chasing the title. As with the last match, I'm not sure WWE wants to go with Miz as champion leading into WM; although he does get a ton of press outside the WWE, so this is really a toss-up in which I would enjoy seeing The Miz go over and retain the WWE Title.

And now it's time for the Royal Rumble match, still get chills when I hear that. You know you are in for a little more than an hour of a fun, unpredictable, entertaining and pretty memorable match. Last couple of years we have had the return of Cena and Edge to win it all, could this be a signal for a HHH comeback? Will Alberto del Rio make good on his promise and win it? Will Mark Henry win it all after his push on RAW (before someone flames me, this is a joke!) How will the Corre vs Nexus storyline work out? Could we have an Undertaker sighting leading into 'Mania? Who will we have as a returning Superstar taking part in the Rumble? -Booker T seems likely, HHH, Wade Barrett said something of Papa Shango although that seems like a joke by the Brit-. At which other time during the year do we have a PPV with so many questions to be answered? Only at the Rumble. By the way, my pick for the rumble is Cena, although I'd love for Del Rio to make good on his promise; if HHH were to return he'd be penciled in to win.

The 40 man Rumble is just a gimmick to call it the biggest in history, does nothing to help the match but its a good thing to have 10 more guys make a payday; the thing I fear is that they will be cutting people shortly after. Lets see how this plays out.

I absolutely love WWE marketing. This is the most important PPV in the history of mankind and will change the face of history... until next month.

Hope we get a great show tomorrow in Boston and kickoff the Road to Wrestlemania with a bang! I'll be back with my thoughts on the show tomorrow night.

MrKhakbaz out!


Super Bowl XLV

The best Sunday of the year is 10 days away.

The day that requires most pizza and beer than any other one along the year.

The day that generates the most TV sales than any other day during the year.

The 20 minutes where people flush the toilets the most is almost here.

Damn right! It's almost Super Bowl Sunday!!!

We've got two of the most storied franchises in NFL history.

On one hand the Green Bay (it's only like my favorite bay, Friends reference go to 1:15) Packers are a synonym of championships (NFL Titles and Super Bowls), heck they won with Lombardi the 1st edition of the Super Bowl, they had great years, the had glory years with Favre, Freeman, Mason, etc. Now they got a young coach in Mike McCarthy who has don a great job and got a good group of assistants. A awesome Defensive Coordinator in Don Capers who is just a defensive mastermind to go along with stars like Clay Matthews, AJ Hawk, Charles Woodson, BJ Raji, and Nick Barnett (although he went on IR mid-season); most people won't like this, but I think the Packers D is just a tad better that the Steelers unit. Oh, and not to be forgotten, one of the premier (whether you like it or not) quarterbacks in the NFL. A well rounded, solid, entertaining football team.

On the other one we have the team that has won the most rings in history, one of the truly well run franchises in the NFL, the Rooneys are the most well talked about owners, they have a huge fanbase in and out of Pittsburgh and have put a pretty darn solid team on the field. Never have been a fan of Mike Tomlin (I think he has not done enough to get the defense younger, still solid and great now but they haven´t prepared for the future). Big Ben has had some off-field issues but still puts up solid numbers, not MVP numbers but finds a way to win which is what counts (cough cough Tom Brady the last 3 years). And the defense, has been and still is THE staple of this team. I'm not a big fan of Steelers games, I don't find them very fun to watch but you can´t argue with results.

Most betting sites have the Packers 2.5 point favorites with a 44.5 over/under. I've been pretty good picking teams these playoffs, I think I'm 8 for 10 or something like that. But this is a really tough call to make; I find the Packers a more solid team but just can't go against Big Ben in big games, he just finds a way to win. Most of the players on the rosters will be healthy come game time, the only big doubt is Pittsburgh's center who got injured in the AFC Championship; as of yesterday he was wearing a walking boot and was not being considered for the game, this could be a big hit for Pitt as we saw what happened on the safety -you are losing that security along with the good blocking of the starter - we'll see how that plays out in the next week.

Putting the on-field action aside for a moment, you know the presentation of the game will be something to watch. Jerry Jones wants to make this the biggest Super Bowl ever so he will go to every extreme to guarantee that. The stadium itself is a site to behold (was there for the Chargers-Cowboys game last December), the screen is awe-inspiring, just an awesome place to watch the game. The Halftime Show with the Black Eyed Peas is gonna be a good good one (catch the drift), good music, a great stage, lighting, the whole ambiance is gonna be great and ensured to give people the time of their life (subtle right). It has to be good as this is one of the things that attracts non-football fans (along with the commercial breaks, which I don't care for as I used the time for bathroom breaks, getting another beer o some more pizza).
Back to the main topic. I can't say I'm not biased towards Green Bay; as a kid they were my second favorite team (behind my local Chargers) I had the chance to be a part of the Super Bowl XXXII (where Denver beat the Packers and Elway had that infamous run and flip) festivities, parties, NFL Experience and I have to say I was pulling for the Packers while wearing my Cheese-Head which I still have today; I also find interesting how the ownership the Packers work, they are basically a publicly owned team. With all that being say, here's my prediction (for now and pending any injuries, off-field stuff and any thing else that can happen -basically a disclaimer that means I can change my pick between now and February 6 at 630pm EST-):

Packers 27 - Steelers 23

I see the Packers starting out strong, the Steelers having to come back from behing. Pitt needs to pressure and hit Rodgers; you saw what the hit by Peppers did to him (by the way Peppers was fined by the NFL more on that here), he got clobbered and was not the same the rest of the game. I see Ben having an average game and not a 503 yard performance like the one he had last year against the Packers (which Pitt won on a last second score), they need to try and establish the run from the beginning as Play-Action passes are a big part of their offense -same goes for Green Bay.

Tight game where Green Bay goes up by 10, Steelers get a FG to get withing 7 points but don't get another chance to tie it up.

And to stay totally unbiased, GO PACKERS!

MrKhakbaz out!


Marzo, mes de eventos... de nuevo

>2010 trajo un marzo con madre.
Concierto de Guetta, viaje a Dallas (incluyó juego de los Mavs, aunque por este viaje no pude ver a Coldplay), concierto de Pitbull y mas importante CONCIERTO DE METALLICA.

Neta no tuvo madre ese mes; pense que no se repetiría algo similar... grave y afortunado error. Llego marzo 2011

Hasta el día de hoy hay confirmado:

  • Ida a San Antonio

    • Juego Heat vs Spurs el 4 de marzo. Damn voy a abuchear a Lebron

    • Juego LAKERS vs Spurs domingo 6 de marzo. Después de como 10 años de no ver a mis lakers en vivo por fin me tocará hacerlo. Gonna be awesome.

  • Concierto de David Guetta

    • Se supone que vienen para el 18 de marzo, mas vale que sea cierto. El año pasado fue la onda, ese año no creo que sea la excepción.

  • Conciertos Luis Miguel

    • Son 4 en Mty, me toca ir a 2 (24 y 25). Uno será con ??? y otro con mi jefa.

  • Posible viaje de trabajo. Si es que se hace es la ida a Santa Clara, CA... que sería justo despúes de la ida a San Antonio, a ver que pasa.

Pase lo que pase de aqui a allá, marzo 2011 pinta para ser otro de esos meses épicos

WWE Raw and Royal Rumble thoughts

>Not gonna go into detail because I truly think this weeks monday night raw SUCKED... possible the best thing was the melina vs natalya match. Damn that sharpshooter looked awesome.

WWE dropped the ball on 3 things:

  • the champion vs champion match: should have been made a big deal not just another raw match

  • the john cena character: i find the character dumb and childish. I know WWE is catering to kids but the character makes no sense. Hate it when he tries to be funny in a serious segment, i'm all for laughing but come one... I'm sure serious heated arguments will make people watch and buy a PPV

  • The Rumble push: the main purpose of the show was to get people to order the event, I can't find one additional reason to buy the PPV after RAW.

  • BONUS: COLE SUCKS! I'm all for getting heat, but Cole doesn't generate good heat, he makes me change the channel. And I do that every single time he is going to talk; I'm sure I'm not the only one.

Rumble Prediction?

Edge retaings vs Ziggler. I hope Nick makes the most of his chance to shine, as he has done the last ppv matches he has had.
Miz vs Orton. Don't want Orton as champ, he is better chasing the title but I'm not sure WWE wants to go on the "Road to Wrestlemania" with Miz as champ, I HOPE THEY DO
Rumble Match: this is a toss-up. Cena? Barrett? Del Rio? The safe bet would be Orton, but we remember what happened the last time Orton main-evented WM

MrKhakbaz out!


NFL Playoffs - SuperBowl

>So yesterday we had the Conference Championship games.

First off we had Bears @ Packers.

To call this game weird would be an understatement. Packers played a laid back game, Chicago was down by 14 and had defeat written all over, as if it were 42 down. Strange game for Jay Cutler who didn't play most of the second half due to, what the bears called, a knee injury. As a knee surgery patient I'm not gonna judge Cutler, but just found it odd that he did not receive medical attention or did something to get back in the game. What I did find sad was the reaction by LOTS of NFL players calling Jay a quitter and all sorts of bullshit, when they don't know the severity; leave that crap to us mere mortals but players have to be of a higher standard, i just found it disgusting. On a more important note, Packers won the game and are on their way to Arlington. BTW a nice effort by Haine.

The late game was the Jets @ Steelers. This was much more of a steal that what I thought. Jets did not put up a fight in the 1st half, it was as if their game with the Patriots just left the spent. Bad bad defense. The second half was much more tight and, in fact, the jets played better but it was too little to late. In the end the Steelers took the game and are on their way to Cowboys Stadium.

Ironic that 2 of the most storied franchises will play in the stadium of the other important franchise in the NFL.

So it will be Steelers @ Packers (NFC team is the home team this year) at Cowboys Stadium. Vegas opens with the Packers as 2 point favorites. I love the way Rodgers is playing, but i just can´t go against Big Ben in a Big Game. Still have 2 weeks to make up my mind.

BTW the halftime show will be awesome. I love the Black Eyed Peas and you know Jerry Jones will put his effort to make this the most memorable superbowl ever.

MrKhakbaz out!


>It's been a while!
More than 6 months i believe... and A lot of things have changed...

New car, mazda3 is the new ride. I love the car, it has been awesome until now, truly a price/performance winner... still looks like new with the exception of that bump i had -hey it could have been soooo much worse-.

Another new thing, new place to live. Better, bigger, nicer, cheaper place. It has been great from the get-go. Just love the place and can't wait for hotter weather to use the little pool.

New interest. She is great, has a great personality, just fun to be around and she is really cute... I may have messed up things last week lets hope i get a second chance. I guess i will send her flowers during the week, hope we get this behind us. Got tickets for the luis miguel show on march 24, hope something pretty great great has developed by that time.

Good to be back in THE PLAYPEN, long time no see. Long time no write. Good to write what most certainly nobody will read, and believe me, that is a good thing.